
Original Text: Email

Hi Adam,

Sorry to inform you that I won't be available on Monday. If you accept, I can start working with what I've received from you immediately. I do work under minimal supervision, and that's why I read throughly all the emails sent to the candidates you previously hired. I made a folder and saved documents of these emails so I can reach to them quickly.

I also created an Amazon account with USA address (which I bought 5 years ago from and I bought a book, gifted one and requested a refund so I familiarize myself with all the functions in the amazon website. I downloaded the free kindle software as well so I can be fully prepared for any questions the readers may ask. I understand that I will be using your own amazon account (which I'm honored of your trust), but I created this one because I just wanted to make sure that I manage the website before handling your account.

I created a spreadsheet to follow-up with the Readers as you showed me before. Please review the attached file and advise me for any changes you need. Thanks.



Revised Text:

Hi Adam,

Sorry to inform you that I won't be available on Monday, however if you accept, I can start working with what I've received from you immediately.

I work under minimal supervision, and that's why I have thoroughly read all the emails sent to the candidates you previously hired. I made a folder and saved copies of these emails so I can reach them quickly.

I also created an Amazon account with a USA address (which I bought 5 years ago from and I bought a book, gifted one and requested a refund so I familiarize myself with the functions in the Amazon website. I downloaded the free kindle software as well so I can be fully prepared for any questions the readers may ask.

I understand that I will be using your own Amazon account (I'm honored of your trust), but I created this one because I wanted to make sure that I can manage the website before handling your account.

I created a spreadsheet to follow-up with the readers, as you showed me before. Please review the attached file and advise me of any changes you need. Thanks.



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