The Field 24

by Glenn Gillis

Original Text: The Field 24

After hearing what her mother had just said, her feelings automatically changed.
“Great! Replied Linda as she ran down the stairs and out the front door. As she approached the garage door, she noticed what a beautiful night it was. It was warm, and soon the sky would be filled with stairs, perfect for a bicycle ride.
* * *

Chapter 3

The Signe read SPORT’S EXPERTS, which sold every kind of up to date sports article on the market. Charlie Beaudoin was trying to decide witch bicycle to buy. He could of purchased one three weeks ago, but he thought that if he kept his weekly salaries, he would be better off buying a good eighteen speeder that just a ten speed.
The colors varied. After half an hour, he finely made up his mind. There was no doubt about it; he picked the one that he had spotted a few weeks earlier. The color was of a bright red and yellow, soft rubber handles, a padded seat and a water gourd.


Revised Text:

Hearing what her mother had just said, her feelings immediately changed.

“Great!" replied Linda as she ran down the stairs and out the front door. As she approached the garage door, she noticed what a beautiful night it was. It was warm, and soon the sky would be filled with stars, perfect for a bicycle ride.

* * *

Chapter 3

The Sign read SPORTS EXPERTS, and the shop sold every kind of up-to-date sporting goods on the market. Charlie Beaudoin was trying to decide which bicycle to buy. He could have purchased one three weeks ago, but he thought that if he saved his weekly salary, he would be better off buying a good eighteen speed that just a ten speed.

The colors varied. After half an hour, he finely made up his mind. There was no doubt about it; he picked the one that he had spotted a few weeks earlier. The colors were bright red and yellow. It had soft rubber handles, a padded seat and a water bottle.


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