
by Hadi bayati

Original Text: Exploitation

Exploitation, conservation and protection of natural resources, particularly forest, that today play important role in improving the environment of human, Like any else, requires planning.
Having accurate information of the forest structure is very useful in forest management (Maltamo et al., 2004) and this is requires for timber valuation. Whenever the production of timber products is to be measured or predicted, mensurational techniques must be developed and adapted to suit the particular circumstances (Ozcelik et al, 2010). Using sampling methods, which require fewer diameter measurements along the bole, can reduce the cost but this is only acceptable if the reliability of estimates does not suffer (Wiant et al., 1996).


Revised Text:

Exploitation or conservation and protection of natural resources, particularly forests, that today play an important role in improving the environment of humans, like anything else, requires planning.

Having accurate information of the forest structure is very useful in forest management (Maltamo et al., 2004) and this is required for timber valuation. Whenever the production of timber products is to be measured or predicted, mensurational techniques must be developed and adapted to suit the particular circumstances (Ozcelik et al, 2010).

Using sampling methods which require fewer diameter measurements along the bole, can reduce the cost, but this is only acceptable if the reliability of estimates does not suffer (Wiant et al., 1996).


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