
by E. J.
(Ettrick, Va USA)

Original Text: Newsletter

In developing a newsletter several factors are to be considered; the purpose, the audience, and the financial aspect.

The purpose of a newsletter is to provide specialized information that is used as a way to market products or services or distribute information around the area. It is also a great tool in establishing credibility and building a network among peers, members, employees and vendors.

Anyone can benefit from newsletters and the information it contains; from consumers interested in purchasing a product, requesting services, employment information or update on particular events past or future.

One way of building relationships is to attend workshops, trade shows, meetings or job fairs. Compile a mailing list from business cards, customer information sheets, or membership lists from individuals, or companies. You may consider purchasing a mailing list from a company.

Finally, the newsletter subscribers will determine frequency and length of each publication; which establishes time and money per copy. It is recommended that publishers distribute at least quarterly so that it is considered a consistent source of information. Your readers or employees will be look forward to its arrival.


Revised Text:

In developing a newsletter, several factors are to be considered; the purpose, the audience, and the financial aspect.

The purpose of a newsletter is to provide specialized information to be used in marketing products or services or to distribute information around the area. It is also a great tool in establishing credibility and building a network among your peers, members, employees and vendors.

Anyone can benefit from newsletters and the information they contain; from consumers interested in purchasing a product, those requesting services, employment information or updates on particular events, past or future.

One way of building relationships is to attend workshops, trade shows, meetings or job fairs. Compile a mailing list from business cards, customer information sheets, or membership lists from individuals, or companies. You may consider purchasing a mailing list from a company.

Finally, the newsletter subscribers will determine the frequency and length of each publication; which establishes time and money per copy. It is recommended that publishers distribute them at least quarterly so they are considered a consistent source of information. Your readers or employees will look forward to their arrival.


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